This doctor visit was very rough for Sonel. He actually started crying about it,
the day before. He knew we were going somewhere today and remembered it was time for a doctor visit. He cried a lot
preparation for the visit. I thought maybe if I unwrapped his feet, instead of the doctor, he wouldn't cry so much...not so. He bawled a lot. When the doctor came in, Sonel squalled so loud, Hope asked if she could go back out in the waiting room. When the doctor unwrapped the final gauze, I could see why he was dreading
anyone touching his feet. When the final piece of bandage came off, pus poured out of his right heel. The steel rod had worked it's way upward under his skin and caused it to get infected. The same with the other foot, but it wasn't infected. Since the rods were loose, they were not doing their job, so the doctor pulled them both out. It wasn't painful for Sonel, but he was pretty terrified just by seeing it. The rods looked to be about 6-7 inches long! The "good news" is that next Tuesday Sonel will be put to sleep and the other rods will be removed, along with his sutures. THEN Sonel will be able to take a bath and get in a swimming pool!!! He will love that! He still won't be able to walk for 3 more weeks (which is 6 weeks
sooner than the original plan). He will wear walking boots after the rod removals. I'm so excited to watch the progress in Sonel's recovery. Everyday is always better than the last. God is so GOOD!